Are you looking for work?
Do you need help job searching?
Finding a job can be very demanding and stressful. It is often said that finding a job, is a full-time job in itself. It takes preparations, proactiveness, practice and patience to land that job that you so much desire.

We offer a variety employment readiness and career preparation workshops such as Resume Development and Job Search Strategies.
As a job seeker, employment programs and services are available to help get you started down the right path towards sustainable employment. The first step in accessing these services is meeting with a Case Manager at a Nova Scotia Works Centre office.
Looking for the ideal employee?
We offer free services to help you find qualified candidates!
We also offer information on wages subsidies and assistance in creating competency based job descriptions.
Gain access to hundreds of motivated job seekers
Post a job ad
Schedule a hiring or recruiting fair
Competency-Based Job Descriptions
Assistance with job postings and retention
Support with equitable hiring practices and job accommodations
Receive information about government funded programs & wage subsidies