YMCA Nova Scotia Works
Student Liaison
It's never too soon to start planning for your future.
A Nova Scotia Works School Liaison can help you and your family.
What's next after high school?
Getting a job?
Taking training?
Registering as an apprentice?
Need help figuring it out from square one?
Got a plan but need help with some details?
Need to learn about great job opportunities in Nova Scotia?
A Nova Scotia Works School Liaison can help you:
Explore labour market information, jobs and careers available now and in the future
Discover what might interest you
Find job or volunteer opportunities now that can give you experience
Learn about tools that help you with your job search
Access job and career information
Explore programs that will help you prepare to find the right job.
You and your family can connect by
Looking for your Nova Scotia Works School Liaison in your school or local Nova Scotia Works Employment Centre
Setting up a meeting or attend workshops​​
during the school day​
outside of the school day, at your school
outside of the school day, at your local Nova Scotia Works Employment Centre
Contact Us

Aisha Bear
Nova Scotia Works School Liaison
Auburn Drive High School
Cole Harbour High School
Prince Andrew High School

Dawn-Howe Power
Nova Scotia Works School Liaison dawn.howepower@halifax.ymca.ca
Marine Drive Academy
Musquodoboit Rural High
Eastern Shore District High
Island View High